
To encourage further views and citations, the authors should promote the dissemination of their articles. The following are some of the actions you may consider:

  • Dissemination in social and academic networks and personal pages: Some free platforms such as Mendeley, ResearchGate, Academia, Google Scholar, and personal blogs enable you to create a profile, list your publications, and make them more visible in search engines, which favors a more effective dissemination of the article.
  • Learning resource and reference: Use your article as a learning resource in the syllabi of the courses you teach, as well as in degree projects you advise in order to promote its citation. You may also invite your (national and international) colleagues to use the paper in their articles and courses.
  • Content dissemination: Write a short description (no longer than two lines of text) to share by email, social networks, blogs, and web pages, inviting your colleagues and acquaintances to download and cite your work. Include the link or DOI of your article.
  • Related academic activities: If you participate in congresses, presentations, or discussions, mention your article and the free download option in this journal’s homepage.
  • Add the article to your ORCID profile: Add the data of the published article to your profile, keep the information about your academic production up to date, and make your profile visible, so that if readers wish to learn more about your works they can be redirected from your profile. 
  • Publication in your institutional repository: If your organization has an institutional repository, upload the final version of your article to improve its visibility in search engines.