The impact of strategies in the marketing mix of MSMEs in the Purísima Aguascalientes, Mexico

  • Gabriela Ortiz-Delgadillo Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes
  • Roussell Li-erth Toraya Pedroza Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes
  • Oscar Femat-Esparza Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo
Keywords: Marketing mix, Strategies, and MSMEs business sector.


This research was conducted in order to ascertain the impact of the strategies in the Marketing mix of MSMEs in the area of the municipality of Aguascalientes Purisima. A quantitative study was conducted using a descriptive correlational, crosssectional model, applying the instrument to a sample of 133 owners of microenterprises in the business sector in La Purísima. For the data analysis, the statistical technique of linear regression with the support of SPSS version 20 was used. The results showed to be meaningful, i.e., exploratory and defensive strategies have a greater impact on the Marketing mix compared to the analyzer and reactive strategies. It is a crucial aspect that the owners of these companies decide to use the market research, since this would allow them to know what the market is demanding and what specialized marketing techniques can be used for the Marketing mix to evolve and reflects the market changes.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Ortiz-Delgadillo, Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes
Maestría en Mercadotecnia. Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.
Roussell Li-erth Toraya Pedroza, Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes
Maestría en Gestión Pública. Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.
Oscar Femat-Esparza, Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo
Maestría en Administración. Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo, Aguascalientes.


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How to Cite
Ortiz-Delgadillo, G., Toraya Pedroza, R. L.- erth, & Femat-Esparza, O. (2015). The impact of strategies in the marketing mix of MSMEs in the Purísima Aguascalientes, Mexico. Revista CEA, 1(2), 49–61.


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