Curriculum Management Modeling Based on Context-Sensitive Business Processes

Keywords: University curriculum management, modeling techniques, business process management


This paper aims to propose an approach to curriculum management modeling in universities based on the fundamentals of business processes and with a special focus on context-sensitive information. The importance of the context lies in the need to control more information of the surroundings to improve expressiveness in the representation and intelligent reasoning of knowledge. The context is modeled by entities related to the domain of execution, as well as by contextual situations associated with said environment. Automated reasoning is carried out by implementing an intelligent algorithm that uses clustering techniques. This algorithm considers the contextual information of a process and then generates contextual alerts that support decision making. For the automated processing of such information, we design a system that simulates and records process executions using data sets for the log of each process. Some of our findings include a formal representation of curriculum management based on situations that enrich the information of each business process. According to the results, we may conclude that curriculum-related information is context-sensitive and might, thus, affect the execution of the processes associated with curriculum management. Therefore, we recommend designing automated reasoning rules that consider the context for decision making in curriculum management processes.

Author Biographies

Jorge E. Giraldo-Plaza, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

PhD en Ingeniería, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid,
Medellín, Colombia,

Demetrio A. Ovalle-Carranza, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

PhD en Informática, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Medellín, Colombia,


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How to Cite
Giraldo-Plaza, J. E., & Ovalle-Carranza, D. A. (2020). Curriculum Management Modeling Based on Context-Sensitive Business Processes. Revista CEA, 6(12), 129–146.


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