Identification of factors in university purchasing motivating shops: the case of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Medellin

  • Cristian Oswaldo Ramírez-Villamil Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Katherin Lizeth Puerta-Meza Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: university store, social identity, identification with the brand, brand loyalty


The identification with the brand, as a decisive factor when making decisions and the exaltation of the sense of belonging, as effect, are concepts that are closely related when university students consider purchasing at the campus stores. The present study investigated the reasons that motivate university students to buy, particularly at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, where several factors influencing the decision to purchase certain items were identified. Moreover it was possible to confirm that a significant and widely accepted feature considered by students surveyed is the exaltation of the sense of belonging to the institution with the purchase of items related to it.

Author Biographies

Cristian Oswaldo Ramírez-Villamil, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Ingeniero Industrial. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Medellín
Katherin Lizeth Puerta-Meza, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Ingeniera Industrial. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Medellín


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How to Cite
Ramírez-Villamil, C. O., & Puerta-Meza, K. L. (2016). Identification of factors in university purchasing motivating shops: the case of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Medellin. Revista CEA, 2(4), 89–99.


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