Types of Centennials on the Social Network TikTok and Their Perception of Advertisement

Keywords: social networks, online advertisement, consumption, segmentation, centennials, TikTok


Social networks are spaces for socializing and interacting. One of their many characteristics is that they enable people to express themselves and share their daily lives. During the lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people found in social networks alternative spaces for socializing and entertainment. As a result, brands expanded their scope of action toward digital marketing and social networks, which generate most interactions and are ideal spaces for commercializing goods and services. This study aimed to identify the market segments of centennial TikTok users classified by lifestyle and their perception of the advertisement on that social network. Psychographic segmentation was applied, and a questionnaire about activities, interests, and opinions was administered to 226 active TikTok users during the lockdowns due to COVID-19. Hierarchical clustering was used to identify three segments, as well as aspects related to their perception of the advertisement in such social network. Participants consider that said advertisement is irrelevant, inappropriate, repetitive, and invasive. These results provide an opportunity to plan and execute advertising strategies that have different impacts according to the market segment.

Author Biographies

Gerson Jaquin Cristancho-Triana, Universidad ECCI

Magister (c) Gestión de organizaciones, Universidad ECCI,
Bogotá - Colombia, gcristanchot@ecci.edu.co

Yudi Catalina Cardozo-Morales, Universidad ECCI

Profesional en Mercadeo y Publicidad, Universidad ECCI,
Bogotá - Colombia, yudic.cardozom@ecci.edu.co

Angie Stephany Camacho-Gómez, Universidad ECCI

Profesional en Mercadeo y Publicidad, Universidad ECCI,
Bogotá - Colombia, angies.camachog@ecci.edu.co


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How to Cite
Cristancho-Triana, G. J., Cardozo-Morales, Y. C., & Camacho-Gómez, A. S. (2022). Types of Centennials on the Social Network TikTok and Their Perception of Advertisement. Revista CEA, 8(17), e1933. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.1933


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