Real options analysis for financial valuation of geothermal energy projects in Colombia

Keywords: Real options, capital risk, financial probability, geothermal energy sources


Energy investment projects are usually valuated applying classical techniques that assume static cash flows. However, such techniques are insufficient because they do not consider the risks associated with the input variables or the decision-making flexibility of investors. This study evaluates the financial viability of geothermal energy projects in Colombia while considering uncertainty and the characteristic risk of this kind of projects. It describes the study case under analysis, the most common modeling variables used in projects of this type, and the associated probabilistic distributions. A Monte Carlo simulation was implemented to establish the financial viability of a project by applying classical criteria found in the literature. The findings were compared to those obtained when the real options approach was applied to the study case, which was evaluated based on a compound real option during the investment phases. The results show that the project is not feasible when traditional valuation methods are used, but it is attractive when investor flexibility is taken into account. Therefore, risk factors and uncertainty should be considered in the evaluation of the financial viability of investment projects because they add value to the feasibility analysis and offer a more realistic vision of such projects.

Author Biographies

Yessenia Martínez-Ruiz, Universidad del Valle

Doctorando en Ingeniería, Universidad del Valle,
Cali - Colombia,

Diego Fernando Manotas-Duque, Universidad del Valle

Doctor en Ingeniería, Universidad del Valle,
Cali - Colombia,

Howard Ramírez-Malule, Universidad del Valle

Doctor en Ingeniería Química, Universidad del Valle,
Cali - Colombia,


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How to Cite
Martínez-Ruiz, Y., Manotas-Duque, D. F., & Ramírez-Malule, H. (2021). Real options analysis for financial valuation of geothermal energy projects in Colombia. Revista CEA, 7(15), e1944.


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