Exploratory Study of Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley Harlem Acevedo Agudelo

Keywords: construction and demolition waste, waste management, life cycle of materials, circular economy, construction industry


Currently, Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste poses great challenges for the construction industry. To a great extent, this is because of the negative effects of the massive disposal of C&D waste in landfills, low utilization of this waste, and a generalized lack of knowledge of circular practices in said sector. Circular Economy (CE) initiatives provide opportunities to improve C&D waste management at different stages of construction projects. In Colombia, the management, control, and utilization of C&D waste is regulated by Resolution 0472 of 2017—which is a milestone for the implementation of CE measures in said country. This article discusses the potential of the CE as a driver of C&D waste management. It also examines the processes and perceptions of C&D waste management companies registered with the Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá (AMVA) in Antioquia, Colombia. For that purpose, the circularity practices of these companies were studied adopting a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were conducted to learn about the situation and maturity of said companies. The results include a description of the processes and materials managed in this metropolitan area, as well as the limitations and progress perceived by C&D waste management companies registered with the AMVA. It was found that this region has great potential for C&D waste utilization because most of its C&D waste (approximately 99.5%) undergoes final disposal. Therefore, more actors should enter this business ecosystem, and the national government should create conditions to overcome the limitations described here.

Author Biographies

Harlem Acevedo Agudelo, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

PhD in Sustainable development, Medellín - Colombia, harlemacevedo@itm.edu.co

María Camila Ruiz Loaiza, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Bacherlor student, Medellín - Colombia, mariacamilaruiz0612@gmail.com  


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How to Cite
Acevedo Agudelo, H., & Ruiz Loaiza, M. C. (2022). Exploratory Study of Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley Harlem Acevedo Agudelo. Revista CEA, 8(18), e2129. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.2129


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  • Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
    Grant numbers Cuenta con el financiamiento del Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y de la Construcción y el programa de Investigación Formativa de la Oficina de Automedición y Control CTI, con resolución No. 375 de 2020
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