Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Analysis

Keywords: corporate sustainability, governance, corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, reporting


In the last two decades, the social and environmental policies of public organizations and institutions have put pressure on multiple stakeholders. As a result, corporate governance and sustainable development have become essential elements to maintain an optimal economic and social development in the corporate environment. If companies do not implement sustainable processes, their profitability and reputation could be negatively or seriously affected. Therefore, this study reviews the scientific literature about corporate governance and sustainable development using science mapping techniques. For that purpose, the literature on these two topics (published between 2000 and 2020 and indexed in Scopus) was reviewed, and a bibliometric analysis of the documents was carried out. This exploration provided evidence of the impact of corporate governance and sustainable development on organizations’ finances. In particular, publishing sustainability reports can create bonds of trust between boards of directors and stakeholders. Additionally, cluster analysis was employed to identify the main perspectives in this field. Such perspectives include corporate sustainability and reporting; trends in corporate governance; and the importance of boards of directors for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions. Finally, this review proposes an agenda for future research in this area.

Author Biographies

Oscar Hoyos, Universidad de Caldas

Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia,

Mauricio Castro Duque, Universidad de Caldas

Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia,

Natalia Toro León, Universidad de Caldas

Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia,

Damiand Trejos Salazar, Universidad de Caldas

Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia,

Luz Alexandra Montoya-Restrepo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia,

Ivan Alonso Montoya-Restrepo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia,  

Pedro Duque, Universidad de Caldas

Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia,


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How to Cite
Hoyos, O., Castro Duque, M., Toro León, N., Trejos Salazar, D., Montoya-Restrepo, L. A., Montoya-Restrepo, I. A., & Duque, P. (2023). Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Analysis. Revista CEA, 9(19), e2190.


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