Analysis of Systemic Competitiveness in the Metalworking Sector: Meso and Microeconomic Perspectives

Keywords: systemic competitiveness, industrial studies, manufacturing industry, competitiveness model, competitiveness dimensions


Purpose: This study aimed to determine how the variables in the systemic competitiveness model influence the competitiveness of companies in the metalworking, auto part, and bodywork sector in Tundama (Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia). For that purpose, from the mesoeconomic perspective, several types of policies were considered: physical and industrial infrastructure; regional; environmental; selective import; and export-boosting policies. In turn, from the microeconomic perspective, this paper addresses several dimensions of these companies: strategic planning, production and operations, quality assurance, commercialization, accounting and finance, HR, environmental management, and IT.

Design/methodology: Adopting a descriptive approach, this study reviews the theoretical elements in the systemic competitiveness model and analyzes this metalworking sector. The fieldwork consisted of interviews and a survey answered by 200 workers, which were conducted to establish the critical factors in the phenomenon under study.

Findings: In the production and operations area, quality production processes were improved by regional policies that supported this sector. The IT and HR areas presented opportunities for improvement. Weaknesses were found in strategies to promote this industrial sector, lack of insurance against disasters, and total preventive maintenance (which avoids production losses due to equipment disrepair).

Conclusions: This industrial sector has strengths such as manufacturing experience, geographic location, technical capacity, and growing trust among institutional actors. These motivate and open the sector to new initiatives beyond traditional production to make value-added products that meet the internal and external demand—creating jobs and economic growth.

Originality: This study highlights the multicausality of the phenomenon of competitiveness and its effect on all the areas in SMEs. It also shows that business networking is a driver of innovation and business sustainability.

Author Biographies

Gloria Duitama Castro, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá – Colombia,

Olga Matallana Kuan, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá – Colombia,

María Luisa Saavedra García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coayacán – México,


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How to Cite
Duitama Castro, G., Matallana Kuan, O., & Saavedra García, M. L. (2024). Analysis of Systemic Competitiveness in the Metalworking Sector: Meso and Microeconomic Perspectives. Revista CEA, 10(22), e2435.


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