Scenarios for the Cryptocurrency Market Based on a Statistical Study

Keywords: cryptocurrencies, risk management, multivariate statistics, investment portfolio


This paper proposes scenarios for the cryptocurrency market based on a statistical, descriptive, and inferential study of one hundred cryptocurrencies. The scope of this study was limited to the period under consideration and the selected cryptocurrencies. The research methodology was quantitative, prospective, and cross-sectional. The hypothesis was that, by analyzing historical data, it would be possible to generate scenarios that enable an understanding of the phenomenon under study. In addition, they could support portfolio management. The period examined here was from April 28, 2013, to August 4, 2022. The data were taken from Coingecko. The theoretical contribution of this study is that it investigates an emerging phenomenon with social implications that has gained popularity worldwide thanks to the influence of technological dynamism and government and private agents. The results of this article describe the historical behavior of the market of one hundred cryptocurrencies. These results were also used to forecast scenarios and identify correlations between cryptocurrencies, which is important for risk diversification when investment portfolios are created. In conclusion, this article generates a framework to understand the evolution of the cryptocurrency market based on a convenience sample of one hundred assets. Cluster analysis was employed to classify these currencies according to their correlation—which, from the perspective of portfolio theory, could help to diversify risk.

Author Biographies

Christian Arturo Quiroga Juárez, Universidad Veracruzana

Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz - México,

Aglaé Villalobos Escobedo, Universidad Veracruzana

Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz - México,


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How to Cite
Quiroga Juárez, C. A., & Villalobos Escobedo, A. (2023). Scenarios for the Cryptocurrency Market Based on a Statistical Study. Revista CEA, 9(20), e2530.


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