Neuromanagement: An Alternative Implementation in Organizational Management

Keywords: business administration, business economics, neuromanagement, neuroleadership, neuroeconomics, neuromotivation


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the historical evolution of neuromanagement and identify the management tools that have been developed within this discipline.

Design/Methodology: A qualitative methodology was employed, focusing on a systematic review of databases using the keyword “neuromanagement” (in both English and Spanish). Additionally, the references in each retrieved book, thesis, and website were examined. The collected information was critically analyzed to identify patterns, trends, discrepancies, or gaps in existing knowledge regarding neuromanagement.

Findings: the origin of neuromanagement is closely related to the application of neuroscience to the already established field of neuroeconomics. Also, different levels of development of the discipline were found across the countries under analysis, with North American countries applying neuromanagement, European nations conducting rigorous research on the matter, and Latin American authors mainly publishing review studies. A total of 33 neuromanagement tools were identified, mostly consisting of behavior models designed to achieve specific outcomes, along with some neuroscientific tools for measurement, manipulation, and prediction.

Conclusions: It is concluded that there is no clear demarcation between neuroeconomics and neuromanagement, leading to a lack of precision in the origin, application, and definition of neuromanagement. Furthermore, despite the majority of documents being scientific articles, the number of articles in which neuromanagement tools are developed and applied is limited, and data on their direct application in organizational management are even scarcer.

Originality: This study is notable for its attempt to apply the concept of neuromanagement to organizational management. Furthermore, although previous research has predominantly focused on a specific area, this study takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating concepts and methods from seemingly divergent fields. This holistic approach, indeed, allows for a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under study.

Author Biographies

Lina Yadira Valencia-Martínez, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Bogotá-Colombia,

Myriam Soraya Suárez-Rojas, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Bogotá-Colombia,


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How to Cite
Valencia-Martínez, L. Y., & Suárez-Rojas, M. S. (2023). Neuromanagement: An Alternative Implementation in Organizational Management. Revista CEA, 9(21), e2600.


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