Identifying Innovation Capabilities of Online Universities: An Exploratory Study of a Private University Institution

Keywords: innovation capabilities, online education, innovation assessment, university innovation, Accreditation, Educational quality, Higher education


Purpose: In this study, the innovation capabilities of a university institution were diagnosed to identify the factors that can help to improve them.

Design/Methodology: The methodology was divided into two stages. First, an online survey was conducted with 22 faculty members and administrative staff from the first online university in Antioquia (Colombia), i.e., Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte. The instrument measured seven innovation capabilities using different Likert items that have been validated in the literature. Second, the results were assessed using a rating scale proposed in the literature to establish the degree to which each capability had been implemented.

Findings: The results show that flexibility in the acquisition of resources and the adoption of and training in new technologies are the most important aspects to improve innovation capabilities.

Conclusions: The main conclusion of this paper is that said institution has been a pioneer in online higher education. Therefore, it should keep developing strategies to obtain results.

Originality: This study proposes valuable elements that enable Higher Education Institutions—who educate professionals—to respond to society’s needs and adapt to its constant changes because innovation promotes the productive and financial performance of an organization, as well as its general growth. Therefore, identifying innovation capabilities enables organizations to determine the dynamics and current context they are immersed in so that they can adopt strategies to improve themselves in terms of innovation.

Author Biographies

Vanessa García Pineda, Corporación Universitaria Americana

Corporación Universitaria Americana, Medellín – Colombia,

Jhennifer Paola Rojas Arias, Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte

Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte, Medellín – Colombia,

Jackeline Andrea Macías Urrego, Institución Universitaria Digital de Antioquia

Institución Universitaria Digital de Antioquia, Medellín – Colombia,

Paula Andrea Rodríguez Correa, Institución Universitaria Escolme

Institución Universitaria Escolme, Medellín – Colombia,


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How to Cite
García Pineda, V., Rojas Arias, J. P., Macías Urrego, J. A., & Rodríguez Correa, P. A. (2023). Identifying Innovation Capabilities of Online Universities: An Exploratory Study of a Private University Institution. Revista CEA, 9(21), e2678.


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