Empirical and Theoretical Comparison of the Gini Coefficient and the Lorenz Curve Using Data from Squatter Settlements

Keywords: Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, informal settlements, fuzzy logic, inequality


Purpose: To analyze the magnitude of the inequality in the distribution of income in squatter settlements in Aguachica (Cesar, Colombia) using the Gini coefficient and the Lorenz curve.

Design/Methodology: This study employed a quantitative methodology with a descriptive analytical approach. Simple random sampling was used. Total household income and contribution to household income were considered measures of inequality.

Findings: The findings revealed a high concentration of income there: 50% of the inhabitants concentrated all the income. However, if contributions by household members who work or carry out economic activities were taken into account, a more equitable distribution was observed. By adjusting the negative values in the Lorenz curve, two Gini coefficients were obtained: 0.59 for total household income and 0.54 for contribution to household income. These findings indicate greater inequality than in national records.

Conclusions: This study shows the existence of significant inequalities in the distribution of income in the informal settlements studied here. It also highlights the importance of addressing this problem to promote a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Originality: This paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of inequality research in informal settlements in Colombia. The results of this study expand our knowledge of the dynamics of income distribution. By considering both total and net income and adjusting for negative values on the Lorenz curve, we can present a more complete and accurate picture of inequality in these settlements.

Author Biographies

Luis Hernando Restrepo Sierra, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Universidad Popular del Cesar, Aguachica – Colombia, luisrestrepo@unicesar.edu.co

Genjis Alberto Ossa González, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Universidad Popular del Cesar, Aguachica – Colombia, gossa@unicesar.edu.co

José Alfonso Flórez Mercado, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Universidad Popular del Cesar, Aguachica – Colombia, joseflorez@unicesar.edu.co


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How to Cite
Restrepo Sierra, L. H., Ossa González, G. A., & Flórez Mercado, J. A. (2024). Empirical and Theoretical Comparison of the Gini Coefficient and the Lorenz Curve Using Data from Squatter Settlements. Revista CEA, 10(22), e2721. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.2721


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