Differences in Work–Family Interaction: A Gender-Based Comparison in the Colombian Working Population

Keywords: gender gap, work-family balance, work-family conflict, organizational management, family role


Purpose: To examine gender-based differences in work–family interaction in a Colombian multi-occupational sample.

Design/Methodology: This quantitative study adopted a cross-sectional design and a comparative strategy. A sociodemographic data sheet and the SWING (Survey Work–Home Interaction) were applied to women (n=445) and men (n=455) who were employed at the time. A statistical computer program, JASP, was implemented to treat the data and later carry out descriptive, correlational, and comparative analyses using the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test for independent samples. Significance levels and effect sizes were reported.

Findings: Differences were found in work–family conflict, with a higher average for women; and in work–family balance, with a higher average for men. No differences were found in family–work conflict or balance. Significant correlations were identified between the four dimensions of work–family interaction.

Conclusions: The findings confirmed that there are statistically significant gender-based differences in work–family interaction.

Originality: Adopting the Job Demands–Resources Theory, this study contributes to the understanding of the work–family interaction from a gender perspective in a Latin American country.

Author Biographies

Eliana Quiroz González, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Universidad Católica de Pereira, Pereira - Colombia, eliana.quiroz@ucp.edu.co

Mariana Restrepo Marulanda, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Universidad Católica de Pereira, Pereira - Colombia, mariana.restrepo@ucp.edu.co

Sarah Ospina-Cano, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Universidad Católica de Pereira, Pereira - Colombia, sarah.ospina@ucp.edu.co


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How to Cite
Quiroz González, E., Restrepo Marulanda, M., & Ospina-Cano, S. (2024). Differences in Work–Family Interaction: A Gender-Based Comparison in the Colombian Working Population. Revista CEA, 10(23), e2853. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.2853


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