Ethics statement and good practices

Journal CEA is committed to maintaining a high academic level by implementing thorough peer review along with strict ethical policies. Any breach of the professional codes of ethics, such as plagiarism, unlawful use of data and false authorship declarations, will be seriously taken by the editors.

The Lournal CEA adopts the guidelines in the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and COPE Flowcharts to solve cases of malpractice suspicion. The authors who wish to publish in the Journal must meet the criteria in the International Standards for Authors.

Some of the practices that are unacceptable to the Journal are: plagiarism in all its forms, duplicate or redundant publication, and data fabrication or manipulation. All of them constitute serious offenses to ethics and are deemed scientific fraud. However, a submission that expands already released work (e.g., short paper, communication or summary) may be published as long as the references are properly cited and the modifications constitute a substantial contribution based on such previous studies.

When unacceptable actions are detected, the author(s) are informed of it and the corresponding sources are listed. Additionally, they are requested to comment on the situation before establishing if it is plagiarism and, consequently, a non-editable submission. In case of conflict, the Journal will request the author(s) to provide the relevant explanations and evidence for clarification and Revista CEA will make a final decision based thereon.

If the manuscript has already been published and the decision to reject the publication has been made, the Journal will notify the author about it and mention the reasons to take such measure, in order to differentiate between malpractice and honest mistake.

Besides, the Journal will inform the institution of the author(s) of the rejection. The decision to turn down a submission will be made as soon as possible to avoid such incorrect work from being cited in that research field. Rejected articles will be kept in the electronic edition of the issues, clearly and unmistakably warning that it is a rejected paper to differentiate it from other corrections or comments. Revista CEA relies on special software to detect plagiarism; its specifications will be provided upon request.

Additionally,  is committed to carrying out a transparent and equalitarian editorial process that does not privilege any author because of their institutional affiliation or academic background. Thus, the publication of articles will solely depend on their academic quality.

The Journal is also committed to maintaining open and clear communication with authors and reviewers during the editorial process to ensure quality. Since this is a cooperative process, the editorial team will always be available to answer questions, comments and suggestions.