For Reviewers

General evaluation guidelines

Evaluation process

General evaluation guidelines

Answer the evaluation form and click on the language in which the manuscript is found.

Accept the agreement of confidentiality and non-disclosure of information.

Complete the evaluation by answering the questions on the assigned form.

If you suspect plagiarism, fraud or other ethical concerns, click on the comments in the "Comments for the Editorial Board" field and provide the information you consider necessary. You can check the COPE.

Present a summary of the evaluation, as requested at the end of the form.

Present the evaluation within the deadline indicated in the application email. If you can not comply, please inform the magazine in a timely manner.


Any additional information required, request it to the email

Evaluation process

Academic evaluation by peers: the journal's evaluation policy is scientific double blind arbitration, in which the identity of the authors and evaluators is unknown to both parties. The manuscript will be sent minimally to two external academic pairs, which are chosen based on criteria of academic solvency in the subject. They will issue a concept about the academic quality of their content, rigor in the theoretical and methodological treatment as the author's contribution to new knowledge. The evaluators have a maximum of 30 working days, to issue their concept in the evaluation format provided by the CEA journal magazine, as well as to declare no conflicts of interest and to know the specific rules of ethics in research, confidentiality and plagiarism.

The cases of controversy will be solved through the assignment of an additional evaluator and the editor will be the one who will determine the final decision of publication after carefully analyzing the evaluations of the pairs assigned to the manuscript.

Objective: to examine the article with experts in the area and to issue a concept about the academic quality of its content, rigor in the theoretical and methodological treatment as the author's contribution to the new knowledge.

The evaluator must critically and constructively analyze the content of the article and declare the scientific quality of the article. His observations and recommendations are very important for the editorial work of the magazine; Based on this, the Editorial Committee will decide on the publication or not of the article.

Confidentiality: the Metropolitan Technological Institute - ITM, in its relations with third parties, will observe the principles of good faith and respect for intellectual property. For the above and to ensure the impartiality of the academic evaluation of this article, the editor CEA journal, reserves the name of the author of the work. The name of the evaluators is also confidential and at no time will the authors be made known. The confidentiality of this document implies that none of its parts can be used for a purpose other than that established, in addition, you can not share them with anyone without the authorization of the editor.

Before accepting the invitation:

     1. Verify that the topic addressed in the manuscript corresponds to your area of ​​expertise.
     2. Make sure you have the time available to complete the evaluation within the established deadlines.
     3. Make sure you do not present a conflict of interest in order to carry out this evaluation.

Evaluation format: it is the basic input for the academic evaluators where they can issue the concept about the manuscript they are evaluating. This format is completed online in the OJS editorial process manager, which will be enabled once the academic evaluator agrees to analyze the manuscript.

Academic evaluation by peers