Template for submissions

We suggest that the authors present the articles according to the criteria of style and format, following the guidelines that are given and making use of the "Template for authors". Remember that only articles that conform to the formal conditions of presentation are evaluated.


Template for authors

 APA standards guide


The Revista CEA Journal only evaluates the articles submitted under the following formal style conditions.
The maximum length of articles will be 20 pages written in a column, on letter-sized paper, 1.0 lines, in Calibri Light font.

Title of the article: The title should clearly, accurately, and concisely represent your work and not include technical jargon or acronyms. It should be in bold and 12-point Calibri Light font.

Authors and institutional affiliation:  The full names and surnames of the author(s) must be included under the title of the article. They should be centered, in bold, and 12-point Calibri Light font. Under each name, the authors should specify their most recent academic degree, institutional or corporate affiliation, email address, and ORCID iD. Visit https://orcid.org/ to register for an ORCID iD.

Abstract (bold, 11-point Calibri Light)

 The abstract should be between 200 and 300 words in length, and contain exactly what is presented, in simple, direct language and written in the past tense. An abstract should not contain information or conclusions that are not included in the article, abbreviations should not be used and citations should not be included (Calibri Light 11, justified, 1.0 spacing). The abstract should contain the following sections respecting the subtitles as shown below:

Purpose: state the main purpose or goal that was achieved by conducting the research.

Design/methodology: describe the type of study, procedure, approach, methods, sample or materials used.

Findings: summarize the main results obtained, highlighting the elements with the greatest differential value compared to others.

Conclusions: establish the main inferences obtained directly related to the object of the study and/or answering the research questions.

Originality: describe how the study differs from other studies done on the subject and what are the contributions to knowledge.


Keywords: Three to five terms separated by commas, all lowercase letters except for proper names (11-point Calibri, justified, 1.0 line spacing).

The keywords should be relevant, highlight the topics of the content, and facilitate searching and indexing. Controlled specialized thesauri should be used to select the keywords. This improves the visibility of the article and its rank in databases and directories. The following sources are suggested:

UNESCO Thesaurus : URL

Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona: URL

For the assignment of keywords, keep in mind the following:

  • Avoid generic or very common terms, choose those that are specific to the area of ​​knowledge addressed.
  • Select terms related to the area of ​​knowledge addressed.
  • Avoid, as much as possible, using phrased keywords or with prepositions and conjunctions. If what considers strictly necessary that they be conceptual expressions of their own and widely used in the discipline addressed.
  • Avoid the use of acronyms and abbreviations, unless they are widely recognized and validated in the scientific community as a conceptual term.
  • Avoid including as a keyword, a formula or terms that present special characters, this makes it difficult to search and retrieve information.
  • Include names of places and countries in the keywords, if only yes, the topic addressed in the article is directly related to it. Try to include the place, accompanied by another term that accounts for the subject matter
  • It is recommended to consult specialized Thesaurus (List of terms with a standard language, grouped and organized hierarchically and alphabetically) used by experts and researchers for the allocation of keywords of the different disciplines of knowledge.

JEL Classification: (bold, 11-point Calibri Light). Provide a JEL code that matches the topic of your manuscript. The codes can be consulted at: URL

Main text: The main text of the work should comprise six sections: (1) Introduction and/or Theoretical Framework (including both sections is optional), (2) Method, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, (5) Conclusions, and References. It should also include the tables, figures, and equations that the author(s) can use to facilitate a better understanding of the study.

The structure of the main text may vary in case of a review or reflection article. In general, any type of article should be written in the third person.


The tables should be centered, with a title in English and Spanish on top. The text inside the tables should be 9.5-point Calibri Light.

Tables inserted as images are not allowed. They should be created in MS Office Word® or MS Office Excel®. The tables should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text, including an explanatory title on top (e.g., see Table 1). After the explanatory title, the source should be provided event if the material was created by the authors of the manuscript. All the tables should be referred to in the text as Table X, where X is the corresponding number. Only horizontal borders should be used to separate the entries in the table. No vertical lines should be used to separate the columns. The tables must be “inserted” in the text of the manuscript as close as possible to where they are mentioned. For examples, go to the template for authors.


All the figures (i.e., drawings, diagrams, illustrations, photographs, etc.) should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. They should include a very short explanatory caption below the figure (e.g., see Fig. 1) . The source of the figure should be included after the caption even if it was created by the authors of the manuscript. All the figures should be referred to in the text as Fig. X, where X is the corresponding number. The figures must be “inserted” into the manuscript as close as possible to where they are mentioned. If the figure is as wide as the page, it should be placed on top or at the bottom of the page.

Scanned images and figures should be clear. The text included in the figures should be a legible size when the figures are reduced during the layout process (9.5-point Calibri). The figures should be inserted as original images imported or copied into the main file from a graphic tool in high resolution to avoid compromising their legibility when the size is adjusted during the layout process. The text in the figure should be in the same language as the manuscript.

The figures must be “inserted” into the text of the manuscript as close as possible to where they are mentioned.

Equations: They should be centered with respect to the main text. Consecutive Arabic numerals should be used (in parenthesis, near the right margin) to label equations; for example: (1). All the equations should be referred to in the text. The equations should be written in MS Office Word® Equation Editor and not inserted as images in the text.

Equations should be referred to as “(1)”, not “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1)”, except at the beginning of a sentence. The meaning and units of each term in the expressions must be clearly defined. The use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended. All the numerical quantities in the main text of the work, equations, tables, and figures in English use decimal points.

1. Introduction: The introduction should be specific, not excessively general or imprecise, and written in the present tense. It states the subject, the problem to be addressed, and the position or solution the author(s) propose in the manuscript. This section presents the location, the niche or problem, the objectives of the study, a brief description of the method that was adopted, and the other sections in the manuscript.

2. Theoretical or conceptual framework (Optional section): This section describes the theories, conceptual models, variables, and other components that establish the context of the research topic and facilitate the understanding of the progress of the specific research field and its background based on past and current high-quality studies. This section does not contain the personal position of the authors; therefore, all its content should be correctly cited.

3. Method: This section should be replicable and detailed. As a result, it should explain, in depth, all the steps followed in the method and analysis strategy so that the study can be replicated based on that information. Most of this section is written in the past tense and the third person (11-point Calibri, justified, 1.0 line spacing).

The procedures that were employed must be described. If there is a new methodology, it should be explained in full detail; otherwise, the authors should include its name and cite the previously published work. Likewise, the common name of the (experimental and/or statistical) techniques, (quantitative or qualitative) tools, and criteria used in the analysis should be provided. If statistical analyses are considered, the data, not the statistics, should be presented and examined. It is convenient to include, for example, the criteria for sampling and selecting the statistical population, the studied variables, the study design, the data collection method, and the frequency of the observations. Ordinary statistical methods should be used without comments; advanced or uncommon ones could require bibliographical citations (11-point Calibri, justified, 1.0 line spacing). 

4. Results: This is the most important section in the manuscript, and it should be written in the past tense. It reports the results of the study in a clear and descriptive way. This section should report (not interpret) the results of the observations carried out using the employed method, such as statistically significant differences, probability values, analytical contributions, conceptual proposals, and/or study cases, according to the type of research. They should be written in a clear and simple language. The results can be represented using tables and figures that follow a logical sequence and whose data are not repeated in the text.

5. Discussion: The style of this section should be argumentative, and the author(s) should carefully use controversy and debate in order to convince readers that the results are internally and externally valid. This is in contrast with the descriptive and narrative style of Introduction, Method, and Results. It is recommended to discuss, first, the most important results you obtained; second, they should be compared to those of other similar published studies in accordance with a literature review. Theoretical and practical implications can be included here, recommending possible future works regarding the same subject (Henríquez & Zepeda, 2004).

6. Conclusions: The manuscript should include a section describing the main conclusions of the study, derived from the analysis of the results. This section should be clear and accurate, and its length should be in accordance with the results of the work.

Acknowledgment: If the authors wish to do so, an Acknowledgment section can be included. It should be written in a sober tone, no longer than 4 lines, and placed after Conclusions.


The text in the references should be 11-point Calibri Light, justified, single line spacing, and with a hanging indent of 0.8 cm.

We recommend that you insert the list through a reference manager (Mendeley is suggested), applying the 7th edition of the APA style guide (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) (2019). For more information, visit https://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.

For each citation included in the text there must a reference in the list and, vice versa, all the entries in the reference list must have been cited in the text. If possible, you could consult the articles published in Revista CEA Journal to find relevant information that can be cited in your manuscript.

Since one of the purposes of a reference list is enabling readers to retrieve and use the sources that are cited, the reference entries should be correct, complete, and listed in alphabetical order. The following are some examples of references of the most common type of sources used to write scientific articles (the citation format of other types of documents can be found at https://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help).

Some examples of how to build and organize references:

Hall, R. E. (1988). The Relation Between Price and Marginal Cost in U.S. Industry The Journal of Political Economy, 96 (5), 921-947.

Schmidt, S. J. (2005). Econometrics. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill, 2005.

Solow, R. (1957). Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function. Review of Economics and Statistics, 39 (3), 312-320.


References should be entered into the text using a reference handler. Although any of the widely used (Zotero, EndNote, among others) is accepted, the use of Mendeley (https://www.mendeley.com) is suggested for this purpose. Additionally, in case your article is accepted, you must attach a file in .bib format, containing each of the references included in the text.