IFRS Standards as a Management Tool: Perceptions of College Students in Management and Accounting Science Programs

Keywords: Accounting Policy, International Financial Information Standards, student perception, higher education institution


This study aims to reveal the perceptions of college students in management and accounting science study programs at a public university in Cúcuta, Colombia, regarding the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as a management tool. This study adopted an empirical-analytical paradigm and a quantitative approach. The research design was nonexperimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive. The population under study was composed of 5,000 students, and the sample comprised 326 individuals in three study programs: BS in public accounting, BS in business management, and AS in commercial and financial management. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire with 25 questions and a Likert scale, which was used to analyze multiple variables: socio-demographic aspects, knowledge of IFRS, and IFRS as a management tool. Each one of these variables was composed of several dimensions and aspects. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical processes. In general terms, most participants perceive they have clear and accurate knowledge of the IFRS in every one of the areas studied here, including their potential utilization as a management tool. In conclusion, a significant percentage of the students consider the IFRS a management tool that supports decision-making; accounting and financial management; the control of corporate operations and financial information; the identification and analysis of operational, tactical, and managerial problems; and technology adjustments and adaptations.

Author Biographies

Gerson Rueda-Vera, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Doctorando en Educación, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander,
Cúcuta - Colombia, gersonruedavera@ufps.edu.co

Henry Orlando Luna-Pereira, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Doctor en Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander,
Cúcuta - Colombia, henryorlandolp@ufps.edu.co

William Rodrigo Avendaño-Castro, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander,
Cúcuta - Colombia, williamavendano@ufps.edu.co


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How to Cite
Rueda-Vera, G., Luna-Pereira, H. O., & Avendaño-Castro, W. R. (2021). IFRS Standards as a Management Tool: Perceptions of College Students in Management and Accounting Science Programs. Revista CEA, 7(15), e1864. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.1864


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