IT Services Outsourcing: Governance Model for Public Universities

Keywords: IT service outsourcing, IT service management, governance model, public university, organisational coherence


Purpose: The aim of this study was to design a governance model for IT services outsourcing at public universities.

Design/methodology: This study employed a qualitative methodology divided into three steps: first, international standards for IT management and project management were reviewed; second, a literature review was conducted to define the state of the art of IT outsourcing at universities; and third, IT outsourcing at public universities in Norte de Santander was analyzed. Two universities were investigated here: Pamplona University and Francisco de Paula Santander University (Main Campus and Ocaña Campus).

Findings: The model proposed here includes layers associated with the (mission-related, support, and strategic) processes that universities carry out. This model, which is applied in six stages, was analyzed from two perspectives: vertical coherence, which involves management and governance activities for all those involved; and horizontal coherence, in which said activities are associated with specific goals and progress and follow-up artifacts.

Conclusions: Although outsourcing is a relevant aspect in corporate management, public universities still need control over the activities of their customers as well as suppliers. Therefore, the proposed model establishes concrete activities for these two actors by means of joint responsibility management at all the levels of the organization.

Originality: This study contributes to the improvement of the processes that public universities carry out because it mitigates the risks associated with them by formalizing the activities, producing deliverables, establishing performance indicators, and assigning responsibilities at all the levels in the organization.

Author Biographies

Magreth Rossio Sanguino Reyes, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Ocaña – Colombia,

Byron Cuesta Quintero, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Ocaña – Colombia,


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How to Cite
Sanguino Reyes, M. R., & Cuesta Quintero, B. (2023). IT Services Outsourcing: Governance Model for Public Universities. Revista CEA, 9(21), e2398.


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