Social media challenges for entering the metaverse

Keywords: Metaverse, social media, marketing, organizational communication


Within the new dynamics of technological development, the metaverse seems to be one of the determinants of the near future around the digital presence of brands. Yet, social media continue to be a very important bridge of communication between the public and organisations. The usefulness of social media in shaping corporate identity and positioning is not a question debated by academics and organisations alike. The metaverse integrates new variables such as immersion and new user experiences that challenge the dynamics between audiences and organisations around the use of social media.

Author Biography

José Sixto-García, Universidad Santiago de Compostela

Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain,


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How to Cite
Sixto-García, J. (2022). Social media challenges for entering the metaverse. Revista CEA, 8(17).


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