The financial situation of the department of Santander in the context of the tax decentralization in Colombia, 2000-2013

  • Jorge Enrique Asela-Molina Universidad Industrial de Santander
Keywords: Fiscal decentralization, revenues, costs, indicators of fiscal effort


This document presents the decentralization process in Colombia from the fiscal perspective and by means of its regulatory framework as well as the relationship it has with the public finances of the department of Santander. All of this is done by describing the taxes situation of the department in the term 2000- 2013. The reflection is created based on the revenues and planed expenses of the department and the indicators of fiscal effort, the intergovernmental office and the department fiscal autonomy, criteria set by the National Planning Department (DNP), which reveal the lack of financial autonomy and the extent of the dependency of the resources coming from the General System of Participation (SGP) and the royalties

Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Asela-Molina, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Economista por la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga


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How to Cite
Asela-Molina, J. E. (2016). The financial situation of the department of Santander in the context of the tax decentralization in Colombia, 2000-2013. Revista CEA, 2(3), 73–86.


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