Editorial Workflow

Once the article is received in the Revista CEA Journal, the author will be answered and included in the editorial process, which will be developed in the following phases, the fulfillment of each stage is a prerequisite to continue the process:

Preliminary evaluation: In this stage, the structure of the article and the fulfillment of the application requirements will be reviewed (listed in the section Preparation of article guide). Likewise, strict compliance with the ethics policies and good practices defined by the journal will be verified, in which it is established that the editors will NOT allow breaches of professional ethical codes, such as: plagiarism, double publication, fraudulent use of data and false statements of authorship, among others; This process includes the verification of the originality of the manuscript through a software for the identification of coincidences. In case of identifying indications about infractions of these codes of ethics, the procedure established in the COPE Flow diagrams will be followed to resolve cases of suspected bad practices (see here). The estimated time for this process is 48 to 72 hours.

Once the review is completed, the author will be notified about the news and decisions made with his manuscript, which may be: rejection for non-compliance with the requirements, request for modifications to correct necessary requirements before proceeding with the process or continuation with the editorial process. Minor non-conformities will be informed in later stages, so that they are corrected before the publication of the manuscript, in case it is accepted.

Editorial evaluation: the editorial evaluator must critically and constructively analyze the content of the manuscript and declare the quality of the manuscript. Their observations and recommendations are very important for the editorial work of the journal because based on this, the editor will determine if the manuscript can continue with the external academic evaluation process. In case the manuscript does not pass the editorial evaluation, the observations will serve the authors to identify opportunities for improvement, for future applications.

Academic evaluation by peers: the journal's evaluation policy is scientific double blind arbitration, in which the identity of the authors and evaluators is unknown to both parties. The article will be sent minimally to two external academic pairs, chosen based on the following criteria:

  • Academic training of master's or doctorate in the subject area.
  • Scientific publications in the area of ​​interest in the last 5 years
  • Have an H index of 5 or higher
    Have a different institutional affiliation to that of the publishing institution
  • Have a preferably international institutional affiliation
  • Have an institutional affiliation different from that of the authors of the manuscript
  • Declare no conflict of interest with the publishing institution, the journal or any of its members (editors, authors, members of the editorial and scientific committee)

The communication with the evaluating peers will be done through the OJS, where they will issue a concept about the academic quality of the content of the manuscript, rigor in the theoretical and methodological treatment and about the novelty or advancement of the author's contribution to the field of knowledge. The evaluators have a maximum of 30 business days to issue their concept in the evaluation format provided by Revista CEA, as well as to declare no conflicts of interest and to know the specific rules of ethics in research, confidentiality and plagiarism.

Possible results: according to the critical assessment of the academic quality and scientific rigor of the content, the evaluation process must contain one of the following results:

  • The article may be published subject to minor modifications.
  • The article can be published subject to major modifications.
  • The article should not be published for the reasons indicated in this review.

Cases of controversy: in cases of controversy, either because the concepts of the peers are opposed to each other, or because the author does not agree with the opinion, an additional evaluator will be appointed. If the controversy persists, it will be the editor-in-chief, with the possible help of the Editorial and Scientific Committee, who issues a qualified concept and makes the final publication decision, after carefully analyzing the peer assessments assigned to the manuscript.

Confidentiality: The Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, in its relations with third parties, will observe the principles of good faith and respect for intellectual property. Due to the above and to guarantee the impartiality of the academic evaluation of this article, the editing of the Revista CEA journal, reserves the name of the author of the work. The name of the evaluators is also confidential and at no time will the authors be announced. The confidentiality of this document implies that none of its parts can be used for a purpose other than the one established, and you cannot share them with anyone without the permission of the editor.

Publication decision: according to the report of the evaluators and the additional observations arranged by the Editorial Committee, the author will be informed of the decision of publication or not of the article and the necessary adjustments will be requested based on the results of the evaluation. its publication. The corrected version will be revised again to verify that all required changes have been included in the article.

Process of text revision and layout: the article will enter the final editing process. In this stage the text will be adjusted based on the APA international norms and parameters regarding the citation and referential part. Likewise, an orthotypographic, semantic and syntactic revision will be made. Then, the article will go to diagramming. The latest version of the article will be reviewed again by the proofreader, the editor and their respective authors. If corrections do not appear in this process, the author of the contact will be informed of the edition number and approximate date in which the article will be published.

Publication: the edition of the journal will be disclosed free of charge in physical or electronic format. The publication time will be approximately six months, counted from the postulation of the article. In case of altering the time stipulated for the publication, the authors will be notified of said situation, and will be given the pertinent explanations.

How to spread your published article

To encourage further views and citations, the authors should also promote the dissemination of their articles. The following are some of the actions you may consider:

1. Dissemination in social and academic networks and personal pages: Some free platforms such as Mendeley, ResearchGate, Academia, Google Scholar, and personal blogs enable you to create a profile, list your publications, and make them more visible in search engines, which favors a more effective dissemination of the article.

2. Learning resource and reference: Use your article as a learning resource in the syllabi of the courses you teach, as well as in degree projects you advise in order to promote its citation. You may also invite your (national and international) colleagues to use the paper in their articles and courses.

3. Content dissemination: Write a short description (no longer than two lines of text) to share by email, social networks, blogs, and web pages, inviting your colleagues and acquaintances to download and cite your work. Include the link or DOI of your article.

4. Related academic activities: If you participate in congresses, presentations, or discussions, mention your article and the free download option in this journal’s homepage.

5. Add the article to your ORCID profile: Add the data of the published article to your profile, keep the information about your academic production up to date, and make your profile visible, so that if readers wish to learn more about your works they can be redirected from your profile. https://orcid.org/

6. Publication in your institutional repository: If your organization has an institutional repository, upload the final version of your article to improve its visibility in search engines.