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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original and unpublished, exclusively authored by the submitters, and does not contain any patent-protected elements. It has not been published in any format and has not been simultaneously submitted to any other national or international journal.
  • The personal information of each author has been duly included: contact information, institutional affiliation, and ORCID identifier. ALL THE CO-AUTHORS should register as contributors in the "Enter Metadata" tab when the manuscript is submitted.
  • The topic of the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal.
  • The manuscript is one of the type of submissions accepted by the journal, and it follows the structure and formalism required for that type.
  • The manuscript is written in Word and applies the style and format of our article template and the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.
  • Manuscript length should be 5,000–8,000 words, including tables, figures, and references.
  • The title is in the original language and English and, if possible, no be longer than 15 words or 100 characters.
  • The abstract's length should be 200–250 words. It should be written in the original language and English and describe the most important aspects of the paper.
  • The manuscript includes three to six keywords, preferably compound terms. They are in the original language and English and describe the most important aspects of the paper.
  • All the figures and tables are located in the corresponding passage of the manuscript and not at the end of it. The tables are editable. The figures/pictures are in color, and their resolution is 300 dpi. In addition, all of them include a title and their source.

Privacy Statement

Los datos personales incluidos en la presente publicación son propiedad de sus titulares quienes autorizan que los mismos sean tratados conforme lo indica la política de tratamiento de datos del ITM  en su Resolución 395 de 2014, como "Políticas para el tratamiento y la protección de datos personales", disponible en su sitio web. Particularmente y para efecto de mediciones y reporte de producción científica, estos datos serán tratados en consonancia con las leyes vigentes en la materia, especialmente la Ley 1581 de 2012 de Colombia y podrán ser compartidos para efectos estadísticos, de medición y en función de las actividades propias de la misión institucional del ITM.