The productive body: Rentability and exclusion

  • Beatriz Uribe Correa Universidad EAFIT
Keywords: Control of the body, objectification of the body.


The ideas discussed in this paper are part of a social qualitative research framework. The data found during the field work have been developed from testimonies of social actors, thanks to a set of, on the one hand, semi structured and, on the other, no directed ethnographic interviews. In general terms, the testimonies of the social actors that took part on this work offer accurate images and clear reasons for the body’s objectification and domination practices within productive organizations. They also clearly showwhat individuals have such practices and where within the organization. As for written sources, conceptual tendencies and objectification practices found in modern society were taken into account. An interpretative vision of the data formed a stock of meaningful structures, organized by descriptive categories that were found in the testimonies. Thus, the set of ideas and propositions in this paper build on what was found while consulting bibliographical sources, as well as while conversations with social actors.This paper especially underlines the circumstances and practices of objectification of the body that were found in the data analysis. The meaning of these circumstances and practices has not been taken into account, further than their literal meaning. Through a simple demonstration, we want to show certain relation existing between some theoretical elements of the studied problem and the testimonies of the social actors interviewed in conversational meetings. The purpose of the mentioned article was to try to understand the practices or representation, imagination and shaping of the body in the effort of certain organizations to amplify the productive work. And its objective was to understand the objectification of the body as a power tool in productive organizations.

Author Biography

Beatriz Uribe Correa, Universidad EAFIT
Magíster en Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad EAFIT. Medellín-Colombia.


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How to Cite
Uribe Correa, B. (2010). The productive body: Rentability and exclusion. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 2(3), 81–89.


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