Making Sense of Digitality from Gadamer’s Hermeneutics of the Superior Breadth

Keywords: Truth and method, hermeneutics, Gadamer, digitality, meaning of life


Digital is an aspect of technology that has been transforming man's relationship with the world and new technologies. In this perspective, a problem arises inasmuch as man alienates himself and loses the meaning of his existence. For this reason, the text presents a reflection on the search for the meaning of digital, as a tool that serves the human being.  This is proposed from the development of the superior generality raised in the hermeneutics developed by Gadamer. The text is proposed as an advance in the search for meaning in the digital age, which allows man to assume its qualities, from the methodology of interpretation proposed by hermeneutics, and discover the purpose of life with the intervention of digital media. When the sense of digital is identified, the ways of relating between man and digital systems and the possible influences that different conceptions can exert on the human being are recognized. This will allow man to seek the transcendent meaning of his existence.


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How to Cite
Pérez-Baena, F. A. (2020). Making Sense of Digitality from Gadamer’s Hermeneutics of the Superior Breadth. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 12(22), 245–262.


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