Does International Scientific Aid Solve or Create New Problems? The FAO's Fishing Development Project in Argentina

Keywords: Marine biology, fishery biology, center-peripheral cooperation, international scientific cooperation


In this article I discuss the Proyecto de Desarrollo Pesquero financed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Argentina between 1965 and 1974.  The Proyecto de Desarrollo Pesquero sought to contribute to solving the problem of world hunger by increasing and diversifying fishing activity in the South Atlantic. Beyond the scaremongering raised by the FAO, I look at how international scientific cooperation is helping to put scientific and social problems on the agenda of peripheral countries, rather than simply attempting to solve them. To this end, I take up recent discussions on the effects of international scientific cooperation within the framework of asymmetrical relations between central and peripheral countries. I use institutional documents from FAO and the Instituto de Biología Marina de Mar del Plata to recreate the features of their cooperation, cognitive and economic objectives and the way in which they problematized fisheries and fisheries biology.  I conclude that the FAO contributed, in association with local researchers, to put on the public agenda that the Argentina Sea was being under-exploited and was therefore justified in opening it up to large foreign capitals. This scientific diagnosis had profound impacts on the future development of fisheries and some of the existing environmental problems of the Argentina Sea.


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How to Cite
Sosiuk, E. (2020). Does International Scientific Aid Solve or Create New Problems? The FAO’s Fishing Development Project in Argentina: . Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 12(23), 213–243.


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