Remote Education and Technological Access in Paraguay: Parents’ and Students’ Perspective Through Covid-19

Keywords: Asynchronous learning, quality of education, parental reassurance, information for policy, school leadership, student learning trajectories


The measures taken as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to more than 70 % of educational institutions worldwide closing and implementing strategies to sustain school education processes.  This study analyses the perspectives of parents and students regarding the challenges and difficulties related to access to technological resources and the implementation of educational activities in Paraguay. A mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology was used; closed and open questionnaires were administered during the first weeks of quarantine. The sample included 505 parents and 856 students from public and private institutions throughout the country. Significant differences were found in access to devices such as mobile phones and computers (p< 0.001), but not in the limitations for connecting to the Internet (p= 0.58).  Participants agree that the main difficulties include insufficient understanding of the homework assigned, lack of motivation and connectivity problems, especially in areas far from the urban centers of the country. Successfully reaching parents and students is of critical importance if the quality of education and the continuity of the educational process are to be assured.


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How to Cite
Canese, V., Mereles, J. I., & Amarilla, J. (2021). Remote Education and Technological Access in Paraguay: Parents’ and Students’ Perspective Through Covid-19. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 13(24), 41–63.


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