“Inclusive and Sustainable Development Requires Some Counter-Hegemonic Ideas”

Keywords: STS-Latin America, Hernán Thomas, technological systems, sociology of technology, inclusive technologies


Hernán Thomas—a well-known figure in Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Latin America—talks about his academic career and some of the questions that drive his research. In this interview, he narrates his encounter with STS—which was marked by the aspiration to create a space of reflection and intervention around technology an incipient field in Latin American academia. When asked “How can we forge paths to development using technologies for social inclusion in Latin America?”, Thomas adopts a broad perspective. He relates the persistence of a hegemonic thought that reproduces the models of dependency, with their manifestation in scientific production evaluation focused on publication in international journals. This contributes to build a scientific field in line with central countries’ research agendas, while constructing sociotechnical systems that detach technologists from local problems. In the face of this diagnosis, Thomas holds that theory is necessary, but insufficient. Plans and strategies should be designed to integrate production and artifacts with their technoeconomic macrostructures. Forging a path of inclusive technologic development requires a counter-hegemonic vision that would enable more egalitarian and free futures for the Global South.

Author Biographies

Antonio Chiavassa Ferreyra, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Professor at Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación (FCC), Córdoba, Argentina. Email: antonio.chiavassa.ferreyra@unc.edu.ar

Hernán Thomas, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Director of the Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT), Bernal, Argentina. Email: thomas@unq.edu.ar


Downey, G. L., Zuiderent-Jerak, T. (eds.). (2021). Making & Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel. The MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11310.001.0001

Thomas, H., Becerra, L., Trentini, F. (2019). La evaluación académica basada en indicadores bibliométricos como sistema socio-técnico. Micro y macropolítica de la jerarquización de productos y actividades científicas y tecnológicas. Redes. Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, v. 25, n. 49, 253-337. https://revistaredes.unq.edu.ar/index.php/redes/article/view/79

How to Cite
Chiavassa Ferreyra, A., & Thomas, H. (2022). “Inclusive and Sustainable Development Requires Some Counter-Hegemonic Ideas”. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 14(28), e2536. https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.2536


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