The Challenge of Finding the Challenge: El Bages’ Shared Agenda, a Transformative Innovation Experience

Keywords: Shared agendas, sustainable development goals, multi-level perspective, transformative innovation policies


Shared agendas are defined within the framework of the smart specialization strategy by the Government of Catalonia (Spain) and are part of its transformative innovation policy. These agendas, which adopt the multi-level perspective, are spaces where participants can experiment with innovation policies. They are territorial ecosystems comprising diverse actors in a participatory governance model. This article discusses the process of articulating the first stage in the development of a shared agenda (i.e., defining the challenge and co-creating a shared vision of the future) for El Bages (a region in Catalonia, Spain). This exploration encompassed the process of identifying the challenge based on defining factors (territorial potential, local needs, and global issues) and the procedures followed to jointly develop a shared vision of the future. These procedures were based on a systemic map of the challenge and a specific theory of change for the agenda. Finally, this study presents the main findings of this process of implementing a shared agenda. In particular, public policy should protect shared agendas and challenges should be addressed adopting a regional approach, two points that can be considered for the promotion of transformative public policy in other territories.

Author Biographies

M. Lluïsa Sort-García, Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya

Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya, Manresa, Spain,

Jullieth Suárez-Guevara, Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya

Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya, Manresa, Spain,

Xavier Gironès-García, Generalitat de Catalunya

Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain,


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How to Cite
Sort-García, M. L., Suárez-Guevara, J., & Gironès-García, X. (2023). The Challenge of Finding the Challenge: El Bages’ Shared Agenda, a Transformative Innovation Experience. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 15(31), e2741.


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