Artifact-body: gender and queer perspectives contributions to the deconstruction of «naturalized» bodies

  • Sara Lugo Márquez Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Bodies, artifacts, gender perspective, queer theory, deconstruction


The technical artifacts, understood as products or processes built intentionally to represent and modify a particular reality, have been widely analyzed from orthodox perspectives with the objective of classifying and delimiting consensual characteristics that lead to their definition. If we take into account the more accepted characteristics (the functional, material, communicative and aesthetic features) of the artifacts, and also the more heterodox and controversial qualities, as well as their construction from social interactions and uses, we can analyze, from the gender and queer perspectives, how the body also becomes an artifact. These perspectives are social expressions which aimed at including the subjective singularity in our society conception.
The bodies, denaturalized in that way as a puzzle of signifiers, are built through interaction processes which imprint in them «other» intentionalities. These intentionalities legitimize the bodies in a socio-cultural way and make them more adaptable to the material reality of our desires. Hegemonically, bodies are scientifically and technologically built to determine, among other things, their production and reproduction. So they are converted into biopolitics and bioethics’ artifacts of the sex-gender system. This paper aims at showing what role science and technology play when bodies become artifacts, how these bodies have been historically naturalized and denaturalized from within the sex-gender system, thus affecting identities and society.

Author Biography

Sara Lugo Márquez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
PhD en Historia de la Ciencia por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, MSc. en Historia de la Ciencia: Ciencia, Historia y Sociedad. Asesora de proyectos de investigación del INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METREPOLITANO, Medellín


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How to Cite
Lugo Márquez, S. (2013). Artifact-body: gender and queer perspectives contributions to the deconstruction of «naturalized» bodies. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 5(9), 37–46.


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