Coping strategies of the multiprofesional team on the death of pediatric patient with cancer

  • María del Consuelo Cabral-Gallo Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Alma Olga Delgadillo-Hernández Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
  • Norma Lorena Jiménez-Alzaga Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
  • Susana Delgado-Hernández Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
  • Fernando Antonio Sánchez-Zubieta Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
Keywords: strategies, multidisciplinary team, Death, Patients, Cancer


The aim of the study was to determine how the multidisciplinary team faces the death of cancer patients through coping strategies. For this, the Spanish version of the Coping Strategies Inventory was applied to 66 health professionals in the Department of Pediatric Hematology- Oncology of a tertiary hospital. The team of participants was composed of the medical staff, nursing, social work, psychology, nutrition and cleaning employees. Statistical analysis was performed through SPSS version 20 program. Variables were compared using T tests and ANOVA. Results are discussed and we find that the strategy that was most employed is Problem solving, which is present in all participants, while self-criticism was a less common strategy. We conclude that at the death of the patient, the
multidisciplinary team in the first instance uses problem solving strategy evenly, pro and independently of the profession; while differences in the use of coping strategies are related to socio-demographic variables of participant as age, marital status, schedule and job seniority.

Author Biographies

María del Consuelo Cabral-Gallo, Universidad de Guadalajara
MPSIC. Área de Psicooncología. Instituto de Investigación del Cáncer en la Infancia y Adolescencia. Departamento de Reproducción Humana y Crecimiento Infantil. Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco
Alma Olga Delgadillo-Hernández, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
Mtra. Terapia Familiar Sistémica. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca», Guadalajara, Jalisco
Norma Lorena Jiménez-Alzaga, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
Lic. Enfermería. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca», Guadalajara, Jalisco
Susana Delgado-Hernández, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
Lic. Enfermería. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca» Guadalajara, Jalisco
Fernando Antonio Sánchez-Zubieta, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca»
Oncólogo pediatra, Jefe del Servicio de Hemato-oncología pediátrica Hospital Civil de Guadalajara «Dr. Juan I. Menchaca». Guadalajara, Jalisco


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How to Cite
Cabral-Gallo, M. del C., Delgadillo-Hernández, A. O., Jiménez-Alzaga, N. L., Delgado-Hernández, S., & Sánchez-Zubieta, F. A. (2014). Coping strategies of the multiprofesional team on the death of pediatric patient with cancer. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 6(11), 115–129.


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