Public-private interaction and its contribution to knowledge diffusion in Argentina

Keywords: Public-private consortium, partnership, STI, case studies, agricultural biotechnology, Argentina


This work explores the dynamics of public-private interaction for knowledge generation and diffusion among R&D laboratories and companies in Argentina. Based on a case study method, we qualitatively analyzed four public-private consortiums in the field of agricultural biotechnology. The study allowed us to identify several factors that favor good partnership performance. Some of them promote relationships between researchers and stakeholders in the industry; there are also channels and mechanisms that facilitate the processes under study, and factors that enable participants to get results and positive return of investments. We also observed the renewed participation of certain employers and the remarkable role of human resource with knowledge translation capabilities.

Author Biographies

Yamila Kababe, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Magister en Gestión de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación; docente de Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires.

Florencia Pizzarulli, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en Comercio Internacional, docente de Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires - Argentina.

Patricia Gutti, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Doctora en Economía y Gestión de la Innovación, docente de Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Buenos Aires - Argentina.


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How to Cite
Kababe, Y., Pizzarulli, F., & Gutti, P. (2018). Public-private interaction and its contribution to knowledge diffusion in Argentina. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 10(18), 133–150.


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