Evaluation of the Service Quality: A Practical Experience in a Coffeehouse Chain

Keywords: Quality control, Servperf, satisfaction, perception


Service quality evaluation has become a very powerful tool for organizations to achieve, among other purposes, customer loyalty and competitiveness. In a particular context, this article offers a quantitative study of customer perception of the service quality provided by a coffeehouse chain located in Hermosillo, Sonora. The general objective is to evaluate the quality of the service, through the Servperf methodology, in the coffee houses of a recognized brand. Consequently, a survey of 750 clients was required to determine that the validity and internal consistency tests of the scale were satisfactory, with a Cronbach's alpha at the level of 0.977. To investigate the underlying structure of the 25 items that made up the survey, a Varimax rotation in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used, revealing the existence of two variables that explain 70.999 % of the variance.  As part of the main results, it can be concluded that the adapted survey, based on the Servperf methodology, allowed for a successful evaluation of the quality of service provided by the coffeehouse chain and the level of overall customer satisfaction, as determined by Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient, with a high percentage of correlation (74.3%) between both variables. Finally, the confidence and responsiveness dimension had a higher correlation (0.578) than the empathy and tangible dimension (0.410).

Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Ibarra-Morales, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad Estatal de Sonora,
Hermosillo-México, luis.ibarra@ues.mx

Laura Elena Woolfolk-Gallego, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Doctora en Ciencias, Universidad Estatal de Sonora,
Hermosillo-México, laura.woolfolk@ues.mx

Bethania Irelia Meza-López, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Magíster en Administración, Universidad Estatal de Sonora,
Hermosillo-México, bethania05@hotmail.com

Edith Teresita Gelain-Rodríguez, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Licenciada en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Estatal de Sonora,
Hermosillo-México, teresita.gelain@gmail.com


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How to Cite
Ibarra-Morales, L. E., Woolfolk-Gallego, L. E., Meza-López, B. I., & Gelain-Rodríguez, E. T. (2020). Evaluation of the Service Quality: A Practical Experience in a Coffeehouse Chain. Revista CEA, 6(11), 89–107. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.1430


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