Opportunities from the preferences in the leisure time of college students focusing on the tourism cluster

  • Shirley Bermúdez-Tirado Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Milton Anderson Ramírez-Hoyos Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Andrés Jaramillo-Arias Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Leisure, free time, college students, tourism in Antioquia, motivation, preferences, money available


Little has been investigated about what university students like or would like to do with their leisure time. Such is the reason to conduct this research, which seeks to understand how students of the Facultad de Minas of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín spend their free time, identifying specific preferences of socialization, health, fun, relaxation, among other components that determine the predisposition to purchase a specific service to satisfy those needs. Moreover, an analysis of the results found in terms of time, money, motivation, preferences and information is presented.

To conduct this research, questionnaires, survey type were designed and applied to a sample of 146 students from the Facultad de Minas of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, in order to collect primary data for analysis using descriptive statistical techniques. 

It is expected that the findings in this study serve as an input to complement further research on free time of college students.

Author Biographies

Shirley Bermúdez-Tirado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Profesional. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
Milton Anderson Ramírez-Hoyos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Profesional. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
Andrés Jaramillo-Arias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Profesional. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín


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How to Cite
Bermúdez-Tirado, S., Ramírez-Hoyos, M. A., & Jaramillo-Arias, A. (2016). Opportunities from the preferences in the leisure time of college students focusing on the tourism cluster. Revista CEA, 2(4), 75–88. https://doi.org/10.22430/24223182.173


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