The organizational Climate of an University in times of Covid-19

Keywords: organizational climate, COVID-19, organizational culture, employee well-being, telecommuting


Purpose: Diagnose the organizational climate (OC) during the Covid-19 pandemic of administrative staff of the University of Valle at Palmira.

Design/Methodology: It was descriptive, qualitative, and inductive.  Both an eight dimensions questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were utilized. Results from the Google Form were processed in Excel, and interviews were categorized and analyzed using ATLAS.ti version 7.5.7. The sample covers the complete population of 27 individuals where 24 among them have answered the questionnaire. On the other hand three representative members were selected for the interviews.

Findings: A positive OC were found measured by a high favorability level (6.1 on a Likert scale of 1 to 7). The training dimension scored the highest. This result is associated with the university's rapid adaptation and commitment to set strategies which facilitated open communications and an atmosphere of mutual support between the full areas. The university provided tools for remote work, supplied biosecurity elements, trained personnel in pandemic management and computer tool usage, and actively engaged in the emotional, psychosocial, and health well-being of its workers.

Conclusions: Despite the pandemic, the diagnosis of the organizational climate was positive. The university anticipated psychological impacts and operational changes through technological tools, furniture, and training.

Originality: The study offers an applicable instrument for various departments and campuses of the University of Valle and is adaptable to various organizations. It serves as support for future research in new pandemics, telecommuting, or similars. The instrument may be adapted to post-pandemic organizational climate.

Author Biographies

Enerieth Lozano Mejía, Universidad del Valle

Universidad del Valle, Tuluá – Colombia,

Carlos Antonio Tello Castrillón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira – Colombia,


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How to Cite
Lozano Mejía, E., & Tello Castrillón, C. A. (2024). The organizational Climate of an University in times of Covid-19. Revista CEA, 10(22), e2702.


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