The situation of women in science and technology: Power relationships at a public academic institution with university autonomy

Keywords: Science and gender, technology and gender, power relationships, gender stereotypes, gender roles, university autonomy, women, science in Bolivia


This article analyzes the reality of women in scientific careers at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCyT) of Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Two decisive factors come together in this context.

On one hand, the historical disadvantage of women in science and technology results in difficult access and reduced participation in the field. On the other hand, the complex political situation in the Faculty is dominated by men, power struggles and partisanship caused by the distortion of the principles of autonomy and the corruption of university co-governance over time. Therefore, adopting a mixed-methods approach, this article outlines an overall view of the lives of female scientists at the FcyT and reveals an especially disadvantageous circumstance that brings together two widely-discussed problems in gender debate so far: In addition to being a minority, these women live in a highly politized environment built by men, where their political participation is basically nullified and their power invalidated.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Mercado, G. J. (2018). The situation of women in science and technology: Power relationships at a public academic institution with university autonomy. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 10(19), 45–58.


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