Novel innovation model for the organizational context: a relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and stakeholders

Keywords: Organization, innovation models, corporate entrepreneurship, skateholders, bibliometric analysis


This study proposes a new innovation model for the organizational context that addresses the lack of consensus on the subject and the absence of a generalizable and comprehensive alternative. For that purpose, a bibliometric analysis was carried out using VOSviewer® software to find frequent terms in innovation models. Among the results, ‘competitiveness’, ‘organizations’, ‘cultures’, and ‘systems’ stood out. Subsequently, these findings were compared with the Colombian study case to present a new innovation model for the organizational context. T he model is based on the relationships between stakeholders and corporate entrepreneurship, and its starting point and focus are organizations and stakeholders who adopt one of the models of the literature to conduct their innovation processes. Finally, among other aspects, this work highlights the importance of including new stakeholders who provide innovation studies with interdisciplinarity, the measurement of results, the application of the proposed model in empirical contexts to enable generalization, and the definition of related public policies and tools that enable to expand the scope of the model.


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How to Cite
Valencia-DeLara, P., Escobar-Sierra, M., & Calderón-Valencia, F. (2018). Novel innovation model for the organizational context: a relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and stakeholders. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 10(19), 99–114.


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