Students in the primary and secondary schools regarding the use of ITC as tools of support for their learning

  • Mónica María Córdoba Castrillón Corporación Universitaria Remington
  • Edgar Eusebio López Murillo Corporación Universitaria Remington
  • Javier Ospina Moreno Corporación Universitaria Remington
  • José Antonio Polo Corporación Universitaria Remington
Keywords: digital natives, digital divides, neuroscience


In global education in recent decades, the Information Technology and Communication (ITC) as a mediating tool to support the learning process
has been discussed; but in the context of Colombia, the implementation of these tools has been more an imposition for the teachers than a steady process in which students have not been able to participate and express their motivation to engage in a training about tools which for them are common and of frequent
The main objective of this research is to demonstrate why the Colombian Educational System, in regard to the use of technologies, does not take into consideration the preferences and likes of students, who being digital natives need to find a transition from the ICT to the learning and knowledge technologies. This research was carried out following the descriptive non-experimental quantitative design; the participants are students from public educational institutions from the Metropolitan Area. The sample was not selected randomly, and it was defined by convenience. As a result of such sampling, public educational institutions of the municipalities of Medellin, Bello and Girardota were selected; the data collection instrument was a survey applied to students.
The findings show that students mostly use technological devices for personal use and they would like the teachers to incorporate the use of different technological devices in their teaching strategies, using multiple applications that will help them have more dynamic and fun classes. It can be concluded that the different educational systems in some countries like Colombia are not prepared to train current and future digital natives, and that one of the main causes for the digital divide is that those systems do not take into account the opinion of the students, their likes and preferences on how they would like to learn.

Author Biographies

Mónica María Córdoba Castrillón, Corporación Universitaria Remington

MS.c. (c) en Administración de organizaciones, Especialista en Gerencia Educacional. Corporación Universitaria Remington, grupo de investigación Ingeniear, Medellín

Edgar Eusebio López Murillo, Corporación Universitaria Remington

Ingeniero de sistemas, Especialista en Gerencia de Sistemas, Corporación Universitaria Remington, grupo de investigación Ingeniear, Medellín

Javier Ospina Moreno, Corporación Universitaria Remington

MS.c. en gestión de la tecnología educativa, especialista en gerencia de sistemas, Corporación Universitaria Remington, grupo de investigación Ingeniear, Medellín

José Antonio Polo, Corporación Universitaria Remington
Ingeniero de sistemas, Especialista en Finanzas, Corporación Universitaria Remington, grupo de investigación Ingeniear, Medellín


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How to Cite
Córdoba Castrillón, M. M., López Murillo, E. E., Ospina Moreno, J., & Polo, J. A. (2017). Students in the primary and secondary schools regarding the use of ITC as tools of support for their learning. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 9(16), 113–125.


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