Interaction and Gamification: Teaching Philosophy at the Universidad de Pamplona

Keywords: e-learning, didactics in philosophy, vocational education, gamification, educational resources


Teaching philosophy during the pandemic was a challenge from a pedagogical perspective, as it required those involved in the educational process to overcome the digital divide. Now, it is crucial, following De Sousa Santos, to look at the lessons the virus taught us in this regard, and that is the primary purpose of this paper. Particularly, we reflect on the role of gamification as a pedagogical tool in the teaching of philosophy at the Universidad de Pamplona in Colombia. Based on our analysis, it is argued that teaching philosophy amid the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus mainly posed a didactic and pedagogical challenge. This challenge, indeed, highlighted the need for interactivity and the instruction of the different philosophy courses in a synchronous format via an online learning platform. Another challenge identified here was incorporating gamification into the teaching practices and evaluation processes in e-learning environments. In conclusion, the Universidad de Pamplona has been implementing synchronous and asynchronous remote activities through its virtual learning environment to encourage learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.

Author Biographies

Campo Elías Flórez-Pabón, Universidad de Pamplona

Research professor, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Pamplona, Conquiro Research Group, Pamplona, Colombia. Email:

Oscar Javier Cabeza-Herrera, Universidad de Pamplona

Research professor, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Pamplona, Conquiro Research Group, Pamplona, Colombia. Email:

Alejandro Oses-Gil, Universidad de Pamplona

Research professor, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Pamplona, Conquiro Research Group, Pamplona, Colombia. Email:


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How to Cite
Flórez-Pabón, C. E., Cabeza-Herrera, O. J., & Oses-Gil, A. (2023). Interaction and Gamification: Teaching Philosophy at the Universidad de Pamplona. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 15(29), e2439.


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