Restoration Process of Medellín Escuela Popular de Arte´s (EPA) Patrimonial Sound Archives

  • Jamir Mauricio Moreno Espinal Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • Natalia Valencia Zuluaga Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Conservation, sound files legacy, recording media update.


This article documents the development of the research project “Restoration, preservation, cataloging, documentation, research, and divulgation of Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano´s (ITM) Faculty of Arts and Humanities, as a cultural legacy from Escuela Popular de Arte de Medellín (EPA)”, and describes, step by step, the different stages involved in the retrieval and diffusion of valuable audio material, which, by cause of the passing of time and technological changes, demands to be updated, in order to facilitate the labor of the researchers.
Besides, it is a fundamental tool for audio libraries and sound studies centers, which need to convert their archives before the normal deterioration of the materials in which they were recorded spoils them with time.

Author Biographies

Jamir Mauricio Moreno Espinal, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Licenciado en educación musical, especialista en Artes con énfasis en composición y actualmente adelanta estudios de Maestría en Gestión Cultural de la Universidad de Antioquia. Docente e investigador del INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, Medellín
Natalia Valencia Zuluaga, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Aspirante a Maestría en Música - Composición de la Universidad EAFIT, Docente e investigadora del INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, Medellín.


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How to Cite
Moreno Espinal, J. M., & Valencia Zuluaga, N. (2013). Restoration Process of Medellín Escuela Popular de Arte´s (EPA) Patrimonial Sound Archives. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 5(9), 99–114.


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