Responsible innovation in public policy: Compulsory banking of the elderly in Argentina

  • Adriana Fassio Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Javier Ignacio García Fronti Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Seniors, banking, social innovation, responsible innovation.


Since March 2012, Argentine retirees and pensioners receive their salaries through a savings bank compulsorily, according to the provisions of a law passed in October 2011 (regulated by the Central Bank of Argentine Republic), being indispensable then to use the debit card for any extraction procedure. While this was an innovative public policy to grant a royalty-free right to seven million beneficiaries, also caused various problems. The main issue is the delegation by the state, issues of collection management of assets and certification survival in financial institutions. This paper analyzes, from the perspective of a senior who has mobility problems and had never used debit cards, if innovation is socially responsible. For this first the problem of the place of older people in public policy is contextualized, then the recognition of financial abuse as a social problem and its articulation with public policies is studied, then the law regulated on the banking of the beneficiaries is analyzed ANSES. Finally a proposal for Financial Innovation responsible for seniors is presented.

Author Biographies

Adriana Fassio, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctora en Antropología Social, Directora del Programa Interdisciplinario de Métodos Experimentales Aplicados a la Gestión y a la Economía (PIMEAGE) e investigadora del IADCOM en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA. Profesora en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires-Argentina
Javier Ignacio García Fronti, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctor en Administración, Subdirector del Centro de Investigación en Métodos Cuantitativos Aplicados a la Economía y la Gestión (CMA) e investigador del IADCOM en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA. Profesor titular, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires – Argentina


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How to Cite
Fassio, A., & García Fronti, J. I. (2015). Responsible innovation in public policy: Compulsory banking of the elderly in Argentina. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 7(13), 47–62.


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