Social impact bonds: From social innovation to responsible finance innovation

  • Pablo Matías Herrera Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Social innovation, social impact bonds, responsible finance innovation.


Social innovations are becoming an increasing drain on national public budgets and require new innovative policies. A financial instrument called Social Impact Bonds could be useful to overcome this barrier. Being bond a financial instrument, the debates on responsibility and irresponsibility in the service industry of this type are particularly relevant. In this article, the first part refers to social innovations and this concept is defined from the eyes of several authors. Following, we describe the steps necessary to achieve an innovation of this kind, a of society. In a second part, considering that one of the main obstacles to implementing a social innovation is financing, social impact bonds and payment for the associated results are described. In the third part of the article, being Social Impact Bonds a financial instrument, we will discuss about the responsibility of financial innovations. The paper ends with conclusions.

Author Biography

Pablo Matías Herrera, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Magíster en Gestión Económica y Financiera de Riesgos, Secretario del Programa Interdisciplinario de Métodos Experimentales Aplicados a la Gestión y a la Economía (PIMEAGE) e investigador del IADCOM en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires-Argentina


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How to Cite
Herrera, P. M. (2015). Social impact bonds: From social innovation to responsible finance innovation. Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad, 7(13), 63–73.


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