Validation of a Model of Reverse Logistics for the recovery of WEEE from the city of Cali, based on the Systemic Thinking using a simulation of System Dynamics

Keywords: Systems thinking, system dynamics, electrical and electronic equipment recovery, reverse logistics, dynamic system simulation


The recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) continues to grow every day. From the academic and business perspective, this process has gained a remarkable economic, environmental, and technological importance. In Colombia, however, its study is still incipient. In this paper, we aim to understand and validate a reverse logistics model for the recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) based on the design and construction of a continuous simulation strategy. This strategy adopts the systems thinking approach supported by system dynamics. The projections in this study were calculated using information about the traditional recovery processes implemented by companies in the region and about companies in the sector that use acceptable technologies to carry out recovery activities. In particular our baseline model was a company that recycles PET plastic and whose recycling process can be adapted to different types of plastic. This first step allowed us to develop a reverse logistics system to manage the waste generated by discarded IT devices. Our findings showed consistent behaviors and suggest that the proposed model can be used in different scenarios and other production processes for WEEE recovery. The study of WEEE recovery systems is highly variable and uncertain, which makes it a complex task. Therefore, tools that are considered robust, such as system dynamics, must be used for that purpose.

Author Biography

Jorge E. Calpa-Oliva, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Colombia

MSc. en Ingeniería Industrial, Departamento de Operaciones y Sistemas, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali–Colombia,


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How to Cite
J. E. Calpa-Oliva, “Validation of a Model of Reverse Logistics for the recovery of WEEE from the city of Cali, based on the Systemic Thinking using a simulation of System Dynamics”, TecnoL., vol. 23, no. 48, pp. 55–81, May 2020.


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