Adaptive Services Architecture for a Co Creation Process with High Ability Students

Keywords: Learning material co creation, high ability students, adaptation profiles, service architecture


With the aim of motivating High Ability students in their learning process, we propose their participation in the co‑creation of their own learning material. However, their participation is not enough because the process should also be a personal experience adapted to students’ characteristics and context. For that purpose, we defined a learning material co‑creation process, called Co‑CreHAs, which guides the adaptation of co‑created material according to High Ability students’ learning needs. For said adaptation, we implemented AdaptHAs (i.e., the model used to adapt Co‑CreHAs). In this paper, we present the design and validation of the architecture of adaptive services of AdaptHAs. Such architecture design is based on the analysis of the characteristics of high abilities and the co‑creation process. This analysis allowed us to identify the kind of adaptation profiles that needed to be defined, participants’ aspects that would be worked on in each profile, and the parts of the process where we could use those profiles in order to personalize it. The architecture was validated through the analysis of three real co‑creation experiences with High Ability students, their parents, and their teachers using the Co-CreHAs extension for Moodle, which was developed applying said architecture. The results of this validation show that the architecture guides the adaptation of the co‑creation and the development of software that can be implemented to put into practice such co‑creation with the adaptive services previously defined. Furthermore, we observed that the proposed process and the implemented adaptation can influence High Ability students’ motivation to co-create their own learning material.

Author Biographies

Mery Yolima Uribe-Ríos *, Universidad de Girona, España

MSc. Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación, Instituto de Informática y aplicaciones (IIiA), Universidad de Girona (UdG), Girona-España,

Ramón Fabregat, Universidad de Girona, España

PhD. en Ingeniería Informática, Instituto de Informática y Aplicaciones (IIiA). Universidad de Girona (UdG), Girona-España,

Teodor Jové, Universidad de Girona, España

PhD. en Ingeniería Informática, Institut Instituto de Informática (IIiA), Universidad de Girona (UdG), Girona, España,

Montserrat Tesouro, Universidad de Girona, España

PhD. en Psicología, Instituto de Recerca Educativa, Universidad de Girona (UdG), Girona -España,


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How to Cite
M. Y. Uribe-Ríos, R. Fabregat, T. Jové, and M. Tesouro, “Adaptive Services Architecture for a Co Creation Process with High Ability Students”, TecnoL., vol. 23, no. 47, pp. 213–227, Jan. 2020.


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