La Vulgarización de las Ciencias, Espacio de Crítica del Cientificismo

  • Daniel Raichvarg Universidad de Borgoña
Keywords: Science vulgarization, Critic to the Scientificism, Knowledge diffusion, Science diffusion.


Sciences vulgarization like a cultural practice does not escape to the risks which all public sciences presentation can incur, is formal or informal. One of these risks is to continue feeding an science idea like separate speech, separated of the society or at least located over the debates public and on the ordinary cultural production. The author shows, by means of several examples, how all kind of scientific practices vulgarization can serve like critic modern scenes and contemporary myths as science. It in particular examines some of the modern figures Scientificism in the thought short circuits that form when science happens current cultural practice from the productions and artistic and cultural objects, even most trivial.

Author Biography

Daniel Raichvarg, Universidad de Borgoña

Profesor de la Universidad de Borgoña en Ciencias de la Información y de la
Comunicación. Director del Laboratorio CIMEOS (Communications,
Organisations, Savoirs). Vicepresidente delegado en Cultures et Cités de la misma

How to Cite
D. Raichvarg, “La Vulgarización de las Ciencias, Espacio de Crítica del Cientificismo”, TecnoL., no. 20, pp. 179–203, Jun. 2008.


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