Desarrollo de tecnología para la fabricación de máquinas CNC para corte de tendidos de tela para pequeños talleres de confección

  • Ivan Arango Universidad Eafit, Medellín
  • Fabio Pineda Universidad Eafit, Medellín
Keywords: Mechatronic design, apparel, cut of fabrics, CNC, CAD-CAM.


This paper presents the results of several investigations related with the development of technology to design and manufacture of CNC machines, to cut fabric layers for small workshops. The development responds to the need for industry to access to fractional production machines with low operating costs. From various points of view, the solution has introduced new design factors. The first, the reversal of the dynamics of fabric layers. Another involves the cutting actuator, which was not built to suit the machine, but was the result of a design to enable the integration of commercial actuators used in manual processes. The equipment received the CAD/CAM software from other investigations in the same group. The machine, for its innovations, received rights from the patent office of Colombia.

Author Biographies

Ivan Arango, Universidad Eafit, Medellín
Ingeniero Mecánico, M. Sc, Docente Universidad Eafit, Medellín
Fabio Pineda, Universidad Eafit, Medellín
Ingeniero Mecánico, M. Sc, Docente Universidad Eafit, Medellín
How to Cite
I. Arango and F. Pineda, “Desarrollo de tecnología para la fabricación de máquinas CNC para corte de tendidos de tela para pequeños talleres de confección”, TecnoL., pp. 11–30, Jun. 2010.


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