La epistemología naturalizada y la necesidad de mantener su dimensión filosófica

  • Álvaro Monterroza-Ríos Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Naturalized epistemology, Evolutionary epistemology, Philosophy of Science.


This paper presents a description of the epistemology naturalization proposals labeled as replacement thesis andas complementarity thesis described by Martínez & Olivé and aims at providing arguments to support the latter instead oftotally abandoning the philosophical activity inherent to epistemology. Such arguments are given through citing the way that twentieth century philosophy has thought about scientific theories again, but this time from aparallel and a posteriori perspective of sciences themselves and notas a basis for their development. On the other hand, this work gives two examples oftheoretical developments with philosophical contents complementing the research on knowledge and that are useful as arguments to keep the complementarity thesis. This paper maintains that although it is constructive to naturalize epistemology, the fact of turning it into a fully empirical science would be a backward movement.

Author Biography

Álvaro Monterroza-Ríos, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Ingeniero Químico. Magíster en Ingeniería y estudiante de Filosofía. Actualmente , se desempeña como docente e investigador del Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM- de Medellín
How to Cite
Álvaro Monterroza-Ríos, “La epistemología naturalizada y la necesidad de mantener su dimensión filosófica”, TecnoL., no. 19, pp. 47–62, Dec. 2007.


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