Detección de zonas de penumbra y visibilidad a los flujos electromagnéticos en campos abiertos

  • Jairo Madrigal-Argáez Universidad Eafit.
  • Manuel J. García-Ruíz Universidad Eafit.
Keywords: Ray tracing, Triangulated Irregular Network, Oclusión visual, Wave ecuation solution.


This article exhibits a computational procedure that allows, on a Terrain Elevation Map (TEM) of a geographic region of interest, are as that are in line with direct impact of energy flows generated from point sources located. This presents visually, the geographical are as of visibility and penumbras of electromagnetic radiation of punctual sources. In developing of the exercise ha ve be en covered two aspects: the first produces a 3D geometric model that represents the topographic profile of geographical regions, based on the available databases as a result ofthe project SRTM (NGA and NASA)[8]. The second, proposed a model of propagation for a radiation so urce wave in the space free of charge and sources in homogeneous and isotropic regions, according to the solution of Maxwell to the propagation of electromagnetic waves and in accordance with the law and Snell and techniques of Ray-Tracing (RT).

Author Biographies

Jairo Madrigal-Argáez, Universidad Eafit.
Grupo de Investigación en Mecánica Aplicada Universidad Eafit.
Manuel J. García-Ruíz, Universidad Eafit.
Grupo de Investigación e n Mecánica Aplicada Universidad Eafit.
How to Cite
J. Madrigal-Argáez and M. J. García-Ruíz, “Detección de zonas de penumbra y visibilidad a los flujos electromagnéticos en campos abiertos”, TecnoL., no. 19, pp. 167–184, Dec. 2007.


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