Saliendo del círculo vicioso: hacia la implantación de políticas científicas y tecnológicas en el contexto económico y social de países menos desarrollados

  • Carlos A. Acevedo-Álvarez Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Science and Technology Policies, Modernization, Dependency, Science Statement, Underdevelopment.


"Mimicry" processes of science policies and technology, what the less developed countries do over the basis of those that still exist in developed countries, without taking into account their economic, technological, scientific and social contexts. All these aspects will be analyzed in this article. This analysis intends on answering questions such as: Why do the scientific-technological policies of the most of the under developed countries don't go beyond of the written speech and be aware of their economical and social reality in order to find out a way to leave such as difficulties behind?, what consequences are the under developed countries willing to assume in different kinds of research?, Is the scientific investment as well as engineering and technological a contribution to the economy growth of these countries? First, theories that applies to science and technology in developed countries and how these are established in underdeveloped countries, are analyzed. Then, different kinds of policies of science and technology and their implications in under developed countriesare stated. Finally, new proposals to leave under development behind are discussed by these countries. 

Author Biography

Carlos A. Acevedo-Álvarez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Ingeniero Mecánico, Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en Gerencia de Mantenimiento, Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en combustibles gaseosos. Universidad de Antioquia. Estudiante del doctorado en Filosofía de la Ciencia y Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica (Convenio ITM · UPV). Director del GITER (Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Energéticas) del ITM
How to Cite
C. A. Acevedo-Álvarez, “Saliendo del círculo vicioso: hacia la implantación de políticas científicas y tecnológicas en el contexto económico y social de países menos desarrollados”, TecnoL., no. 17, pp. 91–118, Dec. 2006.


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