La idea de progreso en la ciencia. Aproximación crítica al debate evolucionista Kuhn-Popper

  • Raúl Domínguez-Rendón Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Keywords: Progress, Evolutionism, Scientrnc revolution, Scientific change.


This paper centers on the identification of sorne differences and similarities between the conceptions about scientific change as outlined by Karl Popper in the The rationality of the scientific revolutions and by Thomas Kuhn in The structure of the scientific revolutions. The review focuses particularly on view of each one about the evolutionist progress of science. In the last part of the review I refer to the point of view of Larry Laudan, as stated in Approaches of solution of problems to the scientific progress, which is a complementary and pluralist way of interpretation of scientific change. Although Laudan is very critic ofthem, he agrees in some key concepts by both authors.

Author Biography

Raúl Domínguez-Rendón, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Director de Comunicación y Cultura Tecnológica del ITM.
How to Cite
R. Domínguez-Rendón, “La idea de progreso en la ciencia. Aproximación crítica al debate evolucionista Kuhn-Popper”, TecnoL., no. 14, pp. 31–63, Jul. 2005.


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